
Tapeka is the perfect base for fishing
Tapeka is the perfect base for fishing located at the entrance to the Bay of Islands
Tapeka Point is a renowned fishing location with many record size Snapper and other fish caught surf casting from the rocks. At various times of the Year boat fishing close to the point will produce good results. Tapeka Point is the gateway to the Bay of Islands and the closest launching point for trailer boats to reach the Bay. From Tapeka Point all parts of the Bay of Islands from Ninepin to Cape Brett can be reached in a short time.

Have a trailer boat

Good all tide boat ramp 100 metres from the house with mooring and dinghy to use as tender.
Trailer parking and turning on the property. The Tapeka boat ramp is the closest launching point to the Islands and the outer Bay.

Have a Yacht or Launch

Deep water guest mooring rated for vessels up to 50 feet long in front of the house.
Tapeka Del Mar is the perfect fishing lodge or shore base for the land lubbers.

No boat but want to get out there

Water taxi, daily fishing trips or game boat charters are all available from Russell.
Alternatively take out the Fyran 10′ dinghy. guests have reported good catches hanging off the moorings or anchoring off Tapeka Point.

Prefer surfcasting

Record catches have been made from the rocks at Tapeka Point.
Two great locations are just around the corner from Tapeka Del Mar on the other side of Tapeka Point. Good size snapper have also been caught by guests off the beach in front of the house.